Wednesday Fellowship
Wednesday Fellowship meets from 14:15 to 15:45 in the church ... on a Wednesday!
The meeting takes place on the first Wednesday of 9 months in the year (February to July and October to December, inclusive.)
It is an informal friendly gathering to which anyone is welcome.
We always start with a hymn followed by some kind of entertainment
We have speakers, demonstrations, or an activity ... and close with prayer and a cup of tea and biscuits.
The up coming 2024/2025 presentations are: -
2nd October 2024. Harvest Lunch 12:45 £3
6th November 2024. Dressing the Fellowship Christmas Tree
4th December 2024. Christmas Carols and hot mince pies
January 2025. No Meeting
5th February 2025. Brian Pepper and friend, Phil entertain TBC
5th March 2025. Quiz and ping pong
2nd April 2025. Spring afternoon tea party
7th May 2025. Flower arranging with Fiona and friends
4th June 2025. Gavin and Peggy Adlington share memories of their time
working and living abroad
2nd July 2025. Summer Strawberry tea
Most months there is also a 'bring and buy' stall.
If you would like to know more please contact: -
Janette Gibson on (01245) 697007
... or just turn up. You would be very welcome.