On a Sunday

On a Sunday at our 10am service

St Michael’s is a child-friendly Church, and we welcome children of all ages. Don’t worry if you have young children and they make a noise – we would rather have you and your little ones with us.

Pre-school children

We don’t have a creche at St Michael’s, but we do have a pre-schoolers’ play room at the front of the Church where parents can take their pre-school children if they need to. There are toys in this room. There is also a speaker so that they can hear the sermon.

Primary school age children (Reception to Year 6) - Sonlight

Our primary school age Sunday school called Sonlight takes place in the Martin Room at the back of the Church. The children stay with their parents for the first few minutes of the service before going to this group for games, craft, a Bible story, a prayer, and a drink and snack.

Secondary school age (Year 7+) - Mega

Our secondary school age group called Mega runs twice each month on the 1st and 3rd Sundays in the Upper Room in Church. The young people usually look at the same Bible readings as the adults, and relate these readings to everyday life. There is also time for prayer. This is also a safe space to ask questions about faith, and to share life’s struggles.

We take safeguarding seriously at St Michael’s, and our volunteers for Sonlight and Mega have the required DBS check and training.

For any more information, please contact Revd David Cattle on vicar@stmichaelsgalleywood.org.uk


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